Energy saving is becoming a serious problem. And the point is not entirely in people’s self-awareness, but in the fact that overhead fees are constantly rising. Anyone who gets a bill at the end of the month asks, "how do we save on electricity"?
In this article, we’ll write you 20 simple tips that can help you save a lot of power.

Council No. 1
Unplug the plugs. Electrical appliances can consume power even in standby mode. Therefore, turn off all "red lights" and unplug all wires.
Council No. 2
Only buy energy-saving lamps. Although they are significantly more expensive than incandescent bulbs, they save 3-4 times more energy and last 10 to 10 times longer.
Council No. 3
Turn off the lights. Although it is a trite, make sure that the lamps and electrical appliances in the apartment do not work in vain (they forgot to turn off the lights in the hallway, the TV is on, but no one is watching).
There is a good method that can help with this. If a child lives with you (daughter, son, sister, nephew, etc. ), call him or her an "electrician. " If the child sees that an adult in the apartment has not turned off the electricity, he or she will have to pay a fine. The effect is amazing- the family saves electricity, the child earns pocket money from inattentive relatives.
Tip # 4
Shake the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner will work much harder if there is no debris in it. Cleaning ends faster, so less energy will be needed.
Council No. 5
Soak clothes before washing. Dirt is quickly removed from clothes and does not need to be washed several times in a washing machine.
Council No. 6
Defrost the refrigerator. A frozen refrigerator clogged with frozen ice performs 15% worse.
Council No. 7
Install a dual charge meter. The nightly rate is from 23: 00 until 07: 00. The price of electricity during this period is twice as cheap as it is today. Conventional counters count all the energy used on a scale. Therefore, it is not clear how much was spent during the day and how much at night. To split your use into two different balances, you will need to purchase a two-tariff meter. Consumers who use this claim that the money spent on installation will pay for itself in 2-3 years.
For more efficient use of such a counter, it is a good idea to have a delayed start mode on the unit. This feature is not uncommon today. There are plenty of washing machines, multicookers and toasters. In the evenings, such a technique can be programmed, and in the morning, hang up the washed clothes, have breakfast with pilaf and fresh cake. And the most pleasant thing is that the electricity used costs half as much as civilization for these benefits of civilization.
Council No. 8
Use zone lighting. There is no need to turn on the lights throughout the room, it is enough to illuminate each zone. For this purpose, you can use lower wattage lamps than usual in the main chandelier.
Council No. 9
Choose a light wallpaper. The sunlight bounces off white. Therefore, a white room will always be brighter than an apartment with a dark interior.
Tip 10
Cleanliness is not only the key to health but also to savings. A clean lamp glows 15% brighter. And let’s not forget that clean windows let in more sunlight. Therefore, it is better to do the cleaning than to pay extra money for the overhead.
Tip # 11
Remove limescale from the kettle. A boiled kettle boils much longer than a clean one. It makes sense to clean up. This is not difficult to do: Pour a little water into the kettle, throw in 15 grams of baking soda and bring to a boil. Pour out the water and repeat this procedure, but with citric acid.
Tip # 12
Remove limescale from the washing machine. Like the kettle, the washing machine consumes a lot of electricity if limescale has accumulated on the water heaters. The machine should be cleaned in the same way as in tip 11, in the kettle, you only need to take in more citric acid - 5 sachets. Pour one into the drum and the others into the place where the washing powder is poured. Set the boiling mode.
Citric acid can be replaced by acetic acid. Pour 50 ml into the machine and run the water at 90 degrees. But keep in mind that acetic acid is more aggressive than citric acid. Vinegar descales water faster, but can damage the rubber parts of your washing machine.
Tip # 13
Replace the wires, sometimes the increased power consumption is due to the old wires
Tip 14
Buy Class A, AA, AAA equipment. these are the most energy efficient classes. This indicator is calculated based on the annual electricity consumption of the appliance for normal consumption. For example, if a washing machine consumes 55% of the standard, it is Class A, up to 75% Class B, 95% Class C, and so on.
Tip 15
Do not place the refrigerator near a radiator or near a wall. He will work hard.
16. tip
Do not put hot food in the refrigerator. It will put extra energy into cooling the food.
Tip 17
Do not over-dry the laundry, moisten it with a spray bottle. Otherwise, the ironing time will increase significantly. Slightly damp clothes can be ironed much faster. As a result, less power is used.
Tip # 18
Choose a laptop instead of a computer. A laptop consumes an average of 60 watts per hour, while a computer (system unit, monitor, speakers) consumes 220 watts. As you can see, laptops are much more economical.
Tip # 19
Clean your computer of dust. As mentioned above, any electrical device that overflows with dust, limescale, or dirt will operate in enhanced mode. The computer is no exception. Therefore, be sure to clean the system unit of dust in a timely manner. Also, if the system unit becomes very overheated, it may even malfunction. If you clean your computer on time, you can save yourself an unexpected purchase.
Tip # 20
Choose LCD monitors. LCD monitors consume three times less power than their CRT monitors.
Use these tips and your electricity bills will be a pleasant surprise in the near future.